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Welcome !

The Garden of Great Compassion is a hermitage which offers meditation retreats throughout the year.
Guided by a qualified teacher, they enable each of us, within a group, to develop and deepen the path to enlightenment according to the Buddha’s teachings.
It is in a in a quiet and favorable mountain environment, south of the Parc des Ecrins, that you may experience a direct and simple approach to meditation.     Read more

Introduction to meditation afternoons

Prochaines dates :
Samedi 8 juillet 2023 à 15h
dimanche 24 septembre 2023 à 15h
Informations et inscriptions

Next retreats

Phowa Retreat

Thursday, August 15th to Sunday, August 18th 2024

This practice enables to reach enlightenment at the moment of our death without undergoing the interruption of a new birth. Prior to the retreat, an accumulation of 100,000 mantras of Bouddha Amitabha is appropriate. Further instructions will be given at registration.

All retreats

The development of the new premises

the future premises